Did you know that there is a beautiful word to describe the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil?
Did you know that there
is one word to use for ‘day before yesterday’?
Here is a list of 12
impressive and interesting words.
1. Mouse Potato
We have heard of a couch potato (a person who watches a lot of television and does not have an active life).
Did you know that a mouse potato refers to someone who works on the computer a lot and does not have an active lifestyle?
2. Petrichor
Did you know that Petrichor is a word to
describe the way it smells after it rains?
3. Tittle
4. Abibliophobia
5. Lollygagger
A Lollygagger
is someone who is doing something that isn’t serious or useful. Lollygag could be a good word to use when procrastinating, spending time aimlessly
or being idle. Are you lollygagging?
6. Pandiculation
Wake up in the morning, stretch and yawn to experience Pandiculation. Cats, dogs and babies also pandiculate.
7. Bibble
Bibble means to eat/drink noisily. Have you met anyone who bibbles?
8. Xertz
After a game of Cricket in the hot summer sun, the batsman drank a liter of
energy drink quickly and greedily to quench his thirst. The batsman xertzed.
‘zerts’, xertz means ‘to gulp something
down quickly and/or in a greedy fashion’. Xertz is used to
describe drinking, but it may also describe someone eating quickly.
9. Pauciloquent
Pauciloquent refers to someone who doesn’t say much or speaks less.
If you are a Pauciloquent you are a person
of few words.
10. Bloviate
Bloviate is the opposite of pauciloquent and means talking at length, especially in an inflated or empty way. People tend to Bloviate to inflate their story to make themselves sound better.11. What comes after once, twice, thrice?
Nothing! Did you know that these three are the only words of
their type, and no other term in the series have ever existed?
Did you know that there is one word for the ‘day before yesterday’? Nudiustertian
is the word for it. Many of us may not
know this impressive sounding interesting word! Show off after checking out the

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