5 Minute Activities - Riddles


5 minute activities

What are 5 minute activities?

I like to call them as 5 minute activities as they take not more than 5 minutes. They are small, fast, interesting and exciting to get your students’ attention and focus instantly. 

The 5 minute activities come in all varieties with endless tasks. These 5 minutes will make your students ask for more. 

These can be done in the beginning or the end of the class. They can be used to pep up sagging interest. 

Any topic can be introduced and revised, any concept revisited and strengthened. 

5 minute activities can be done as individual, pair or group work. 

Seize those 5 minutes of your class to make the most of every class.


Riddles -

* are fun

* freshen mind and brain

* excite both young and old

* force you to think creatively and critically

* make you think out of the box

* develop problem solving skills

* enhance language skills such as reading and comprehension

* exercise the brain

* improve logical skills

So here is the 5 minute activity - whack your brains to answer the riddles :

click OK to start answering or

share / click link to do the activity - 

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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